Response : Recovery : Restoration: Resilience.
Resilience Leads to Success
Response, Recovery, Restoration, & Resilience (4R) Consulting focuses on the future of Operational Resiliency Planning in the Corporate Sector. Over the past 20 years, businesses have developed and enhanced their response to and recovery from incidents that threaten their operational continuity. It started with Y2K preparation and moved on to established redundancies (i.e., cold sites, warm sites, and hot sites). It transitioned from technology recovery to process and people recovery. It evolved from Disaster Recovery to Business Continuity. The future is no longer the continuation of operations, but the ability of a business to be resilient, regardless of the incident or crisis it is facing.
4R Consulting can provide any business, small or large, with the tools necessary for efficient and timely Response, Recovery, Restoration, and Resilience – the 4Rs!

Did you know…?
Awareness & Training are key aspects of a successful program. Employees must be made Aware of their firm’s contingency plans, processes and procedures through well developed and targeted memos and activities. While staff with BCM responsibilities should receive in depth theoretical and practical training.
Now, more than ever, third party dependencies must be assessed properly. A simple Risk Assessment of the Vendor and a Financial Health check are not enough. Extensive examination of their BCM program, and achievable recovery efforts should be conducted to ensure Vendors are full capable of meeting their SLAs.
Often, cross-departmental dependencies are overlooked or not cross checked, to ensure both departments add one another correctly. The links between functions MUST be documented and confirmed.
Technology Infrastructure and systems are likely to come under attack during times of stress. In order to minimize impact; technology tools, network, and security must be redundant in terms of protections, access, authentication and security monitoring.